What to do with your online content?

Making your content freely available is a great tactic to increase potential audience viewers and exposure (PHD Comics, 2012), people are much less likely to buy something before knowing if it’s any good (especially with no free returns). The advantages of open education resources (ERIC, 2012) exceed the producer’s benefit, as a highly educated population is associated with an array of positive externalities (see piktochart).

new-piktochart_896_7354b62e45c15854ff62bc98b82822dcf547103eIt is understandable that we should pay for online content from a business perspective, just as we would purchase a textbook or lessons. Without the incentive of profit, competition decreases and firms become more inefficient. Excluding the pursuit of knowledge and societal welfare, why would one enter a career path knowing you would not be compensated for it monetarily (money is the best work incentive), therefore making your material freely available may be a disadvantage. There is also the perception that if something is free it is not as valuable as something which costs money, giving the impression the content is not prestigious (PHD Comics, 2012). Another disadvantage is potential plagiarism, content being available to the public increases the likelihood of someone stealing your work and not crediting you.


Wikipedia is a perfect example of a platform providing free information which has benefitted plenty of users, resulting in a globally known website. Another platform with content freely available would be YouTube, some have created successful careers from this platform, I would watch Economics videos online to help me grasp concepts better. If the videos were not free to access, a lot of talented individuals would have never been discovered and the audience would not benefit from the content they wish to share.

It is expected 90% of content will soon be behind paywalls (The Drum, 2013), to limit potential researchers like this is detrimental for academics in my opinion. Is it ethical to determine who has a right to knowledge by placing extortionate monetary barriers?

I feel there are more advantages to making your work available online, it benefits those who read it and creates a better sense of community in the world of education. I do understand that some may not be able to absorb the costs themselves and cannot afford to do this, but the prices journals charge for papers is beyond unacceptable, creating an illusion that knowledge is only for the richest and elitist.


5 thoughts on “What to do with your online content?

  1. emjw1g15 says:

    Hi Tiffany,

    I really liked your use of Piktochart, it looks really professional and really adds to your post. I also enjoyed how you incorporated websites such as YouTube and Wikipedia into your post, this is something I hadn’t thought of. I also go to YouTube to watch videos that may make elements of my course easier to understand.

    You ask whether it is ethical to determine who has a right to knowledge by placing extortionate monetary barriers. In my opinion, it is not ethical as everyone should have the right to this knowledge. Do you feel that placing paywalls with a limit on the articles you can read per month before you have to pay, is a good way around this? In my opinion, it is a great solution as users will have access to a certain amount of articles for free and then once they have used up their limit they will be asked to pay for any more they wish to use.



  2. quexiaolu says:

    Hi Tiffany,

    I really enjoy your blog and the Piktochart you used is very clearly to me to let me know the important of education which plays a important role to education and I have to say the society will not make progress without education. I really agree with you that open access or not is a ethical issue and there is not a good solution at present because we cannot protect the interests of both authors and readers in the meantime. But one suggestion as Davina mentioned in her blog is opening access could be selective and given broadly such as Universities, corporations or academics who require for their research. I think it is a good suggestion. Otherwise, these public organizations could associate with government pay money to authors and let reading of journal becomes a freely service and provides to people at the named point of positions.



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